Sheepy Blanket

Made good progress on the baby blanket that I’ve been working on.  I’ve started the squares across the top and then I have to do the border.  After that I just have to embroider the sheep on it.  I’m doing one of them in the opposite colors and having it facing the other way.  After all every herd has a black sheep doesn’t it. 🙂

Two Socks at once

I’ve been knitting for a while now and every so often I pick a new thing to learn.  I recently decided that I wanted to learn how to knit socks two at a time.  Here is a picture of how I’m doing so far.  I’ll post pics as I take them and try to remember to talk about how I’m doing with them.  So far I’m having a blast and it’s much easier than I thought it would be .  I’m not sure who I will be giving them too yet.   They should be about toddler size when I’m done.

These are the mittens that I was talking about.  I’m rather proud of the way that they turned out.

Words of wisdom from a wise woman

My mother once told me to always have either a book or a work in progress with me, preferably both.  That would ensure that I would never have to wait for anyone and not have something to do.  I don’t always have a project on me but I do try to at least have a book in my purse.

Let’s get the blog rolling

To start off I’d like to mention some projects that I’ve been working on or finished recently.

First there was my first ever pair of mittens.   I’m rather proud of them and I’ll post a pic of them here as soon and I can remember where I’ve saved them.

I’ve started to knit my first ever pair of two at a time socks.  I’ll post updates on those as I go as well.

I’ve got a baby blanket I’m working on as well.  I’m not having a baby but I started it for few reasons. 1) The pattern in the book looked cool and it was the first time I had felt like knitting something for weeks after my mom passed on. 2) Said mom always had an extra handmade gift somewhere just in case she needed it.  I have a few ideas about who to give this blanket to when I’m done but nothing concrete yet.

Hello world!

Hi All.

This is my new blog.  It doesn’t have a focus yet but will most likely involve a lot of knitting or my ventures into other fiber arts.

Hope you all enjoy it….