Almost done

My first pair of two-at-a-time socks is almost done.  I thought I would take the time to post a pic since I haven’t done that in a while.

I should have them done tonight.  Then all I have to do is find them a new home…


I’ve turned the heels on both socks now and I’m working on the gusset decreases.  I’ll take and post new pics after I’ve finished that and moved on to the foot.

The next socks I do will be two at a time again but from the toe up.  I got the companion book to the one I’m using now as a Christmas gift.

I hope that these socks will fit some of the little ones in my life.

Two Socks at once

I’ve been knitting for a while now and every so often I pick a new thing to learn.  I recently decided that I wanted to learn how to knit socks two at a time.  Here is a picture of how I’m doing so far.  I’ll post pics as I take them and try to remember to talk about how I’m doing with them.  So far I’m having a blast and it’s much easier than I thought it would be .  I’m not sure who I will be giving them too yet.   They should be about toddler size when I’m done.