A Productive month

March has been a productive month for me craft-wise.  I started and finished two projects and made progress on two more.  I just have to take pictures of the two toys that I made before I pack them up to give to their intended recipients.  I plan to work on the basket weave blanket next and get that finished then I will see where to go from there.

I got one of the sheep done on the sheepy blanket and I think that I may alternate that color on the sheep.  I think the next time I do this blanket I’m going to make it an extra square wide across the top and bottom and maybe put a dog and a llama in those spots.

While knitting the owlie I had this sudden urge to knit Cthulu so that might be the next project.  After all if I please the Elder God he’ll eat me first.

Project Updates

The owlie is finished.  It’s pretty cute and I’ll have to take some pictures of it and post them.

I haven’t worked on the new mittens for Adon recently but I might do that while taking a break from playing my new Sims game in the morning.

I have embroidered the first sheep on the sheepy blanket.  I will also take a picture of that and post them.


Owlie again

I’ve got the head done and did up the tummy.  The body is all knitted I just have to sew it up, attach things, stuff it and then make the feet and tail….


I’m almost done with an owl head.  I figure that I can give it as a gift for the birthday party I was invited to for Chris’s cousin’s daughter.  I also might make a ball for the baby shower that I was invited too later….

Well the blanket still isn’t done but I did get a pouch planned and knitted in a week.  I think that is an accomplishment considering I was working full time and then I helped get the truck loaded to go to Winter War XIV.

I’ve gotten some spinning done and learned to dye wool with Kool-Aid.  That was fun.  I have an idea of what to make now just have to work out how to do it.  Thanks to Jacinta over at Jamberrysongs for the prompt.

I’m going to start a new pair of mittens for Adon today and I’ve got another blanket going.  This one is in the same background color as the sheepy blanket but it is in individual squares.  I’m doing one of the blankets from the book Chris gave me for Christmas.

I’m supposed to be making a pair of socks for Pat but she’s only given me half of the yarn.  I’ll have to remember to contact her to see if she’s found the rest of it.  She gave me one skein and that is probably enough but I’d like to try the two at a time toe up socks and that would be easier if I had more than one skein to work from.